How tightly do you hold on to your money? Do you save it relentless for college or a car? Or are you a spender? Do you love to get the latest gadget, clothes or music?
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Let's be honest, modern cities aren't the prettiest places on Earth. I love living in Kitchener, but the beauty of our city isn't in its concrete. I've always loved Kitchener because of the great art we make, the people and the feeling of simplicity this city has. But on the downside, some parts are just plain UG-LY.
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 38:: Guerrilla Gardening" »
I've come to realize that giving up is undervalued. I'm not talking about quitting on your homework or giving up playing piano. I meaning REALLY give up. I think we value fighting too much in our society. We fight for our "rights", our need to be heard and often too much so for our opinion on things that just don't matter. Do you hold grudges? Do you stay "quietly mad" at someone after they've wronged you? Are you just really sure your right all the time?
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 37:: I Surrender!" »
Ever heard of Penn and Teller? They are a comedy duo who do a lot of stuff with illusions... maybe you have seen them on TV somewhere. Wikipedia notes that they are often associated with atheistim (basically the belief that God does not exist).
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 35:: Something To Think About" »
Have you ever tried to start keeping a diary or a journal? Every spiritual disciplines book I have ever read has stressed the importance of "journalling" (that's one of those words... who took that noun and said it could become a verb?! "Journalling" doesn't really offend me... but the word "dialoguing"? Oh brother... I admittedly say stuff like that trying to be quirky, but once it becomes commonplace, or worse... "Christianese"... blah! Maybe it just bugs me when it's used super casually? Like, "Well Bob, that's an interesting question. Why don't we get together and dialogue about that over coffee?" Okay, rant over.)
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 34:: Dear Diary..." »
Often people can go through life going weeks without hearing that someone cares about them. They can think they're worthless, unneeded or just plain stupid. If you've ever felt that way, you know how powerful it can be for someone to genuinely tell you how awesome they think you are.
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 26:: Be a Care Bear" »
It's important to have the humility to recognize that we have a lot to learn. The more time I spend with people who are older than me, the more I realize how much there is left for me to see and do in my life. It's inspiring!
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 24:: Learn From Someone with Life Experience" »
Silence is golden. For centuries, Christians of all backgrounds and creeds have known that God isn't often in the crazy noise or loud moments, but in the whisper of a quiet moment.
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 20:: Shhhh..." »
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"
Matthew 25:40
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 19:: Brothers of Mine" »
There are a lot of people out there who are in a lot of pain. Take some time today to pray for those who are hurting. Pray that they would not feel abandoned by God in their time of need, but that they would instead feel comforted by his love.
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 16:: Prayer For the Hurting" »
This one pretty simple to understand but hard to do. Find someone (anyone) who could use a hand and ask them if you can help them. Help an old-lady/gent cross the road. Ask someone randomly at the grocery store to carry their food to the car. Stop one in the hallway and ask to carry their backpack to class.
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 15:: HELP!" »
What would Jesus buy? Would he buy an American Eagle hoodie that was made in a sweatshop? Would he buy a squash from Honduras with a massive carbon footprint? What about Tim Hortons coffee? Would he say it's okay to spend money on a Playstation or an iPod when there are so many of our neighbours across the world and in our own backyards with so little?
These are very complicated questions without easy answers. Without beating yourself up for every purchase you have ever made (it becomes a slippery slope of self-loathing... something which God doesn't want!) promise yourself to REALLY THINK about everything you buy from now on.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do I need this?
Why is this important to me? Does it in any way help to build the Kingdom of God? Does it help build relationships?
What impact does this have on the environment?
Is what I'm buying supporting a system that oppresses people? Is what I'm buying helping to liberate people from negative systems?
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 14:: You Are What You Buy?" »
Devon asked a good question during his sermon on Good Friday... "Why do they call it GOOD Friday?" For a day where we reflect (in understandably somber ways) on the death and sacrifice of Christ it seems odd to call it 'good'. What happened on that day seems hardly Good, yet when we reflect on it's meaning, the goodness shines through the darkness of it.
Continue reading "CHALLENGE 10:: Good Good Friday" »
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